- Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect vs. Past Simple
- Past Continuous vs. Past Simple
- Past Perfect
- be going to vs. will for future
- Present Continuous for future arrangements
Present and Past Simple Passive
Imperative/Повелительное наклонение
used to/didn’t used to – past habits
Reported Speech/Косвенная речь
Gerund vs. infinitive
Conditionals/Предложения условного типа
- zero conditional
- 1st conditional
- 2nd conditional
Modal verbs/Модальные глаголы
- can, could
- may, might
- should, shouldn’t
- have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t
Word Order/Порядок слов в предложении
- making questions
- subject questions
- questions with prepositions
- relative clauses
Nouns, pronouns, articles/ Существительные, местоимения, артикли
- something, nothing, anything, etc
- many, much, few, little, somy, any
- too muh, too many, too, enough
- most, most of, the most
- possessive pronouns
Adjectives and Adverbs/Прилагательные и наречия
- comparatives and Superlatives
- prepositions of place
- prepositions of movement
- however, although, so, because, etc.
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